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HD superhero porn; Xiphos - For The Cause

Xiphos - For The Cause
Xiphos - For The Cause
SupraGirl auctions herself off for a casual date to the highest bidder in order to raise money for the Foundation of Women's Self Defense (FWSD). As their new spokesmodel SupraGirl raises her public profile and attracts the attention of Max Draenor, the cities most prolific businessman. The night ends pleasantly but Max makes an additional offer to SupraGirl promising huge donations to FWSD and her very own self defense photo shoot where she can demonstrate self defense to all of her female fans. SupraGirl is unable to turn down such an offer and accepts. As the shoot progresses SupraGirl is caught off guard by the nature of certain photos but Max talks her into sticking with it and justifies certains poses by pretending they are on a subway in Tokyo. Max talks SupraGirl into a kissing scene and she becomes aroused but manages to keep herself in check. Max tells the princess of power he is going to strike her, and Supragirl girl asks if he wants her to dodge or absorb the blow. All of a sudden Supragirl finds herself eating the pavement and in a great deal of pain. Max laughs and explains that he has poisoned her with a non-lethal dose of krystonite when they kissed. Supragirl tries to rub off her lips but it is too late.
SupraGirl finds herself in a fight for her life without the aid of her mega strength. Max toys with the young heroine beating her from one of the warehouse to the other all while sexually humiliating her between beatings. SupraGirl puts tries to defeat Max but the much larger man proves to be too much for the Maid of Might. SupraGirl loses her virginity all while being recorded for Max's pleasure. After hours and hours of sexual conquest Max gives SupraGirl a choice.
Movie contains beat downs, forced orgasms, groping, topless and bottom nudity, forced BJ, KO, Sim sex, slapping, belly punching, western chikan, and more!

 File Size :1006 MB
 Resolution :1920 x 1080 MPEG-4
 Duration :00:41:35
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Superhero porn / Supergirl 20 Jun 2020 0 4 283
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