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HD superhero porn; Stuck on You - Batgirl and UltraGirl in slapstick enf peril

Stuck on You - Batgirl and UltraGirl in slapstick enf peril

In this very sticky situation of a sexy superheroine episode, Batgirl(Cali Logan) sneaks her way into The Joker's layer. Flipping over all his furniture, she goes into the next room to look even further. As she is investigating, Ultragirl(Vonka) drops in out of thin air to do some investigating of her own on The Joker's hideout. Upon coming into the foray, she is shocked to see Batgirl already here.

As the two of them try their best to get along and try to figure out where the Joker is, a strange cloud comes out of nowhere and flies all over them before disappearing . Confused, Batgirl and Ultragirl just brush it off like it's no big deal and shake their hands in agreement to take the Joker down.

But they can't get their hands free! Trying as they might, their hands seem to be stuck! Yelling at each other, they pull and pull as hard as they can but cannot get free! After moments of frustration and blaming the other, they figure out they need to get their hands out their gloves somehow to break free from each other's grip! Whatever that yellow bubble was really did do something to them to make them stuck to each other!

After freeing their hands out of their gloves, as well as their feet out of their boots, they agree to take different paths to find the Joker once and for all. However, when their capes swing back and hit each other as they turn around, they up having each other's capes around their necks and end up stuck and gasping for air, trying to get the other one not to pull the other direction! Now they are on their asses on the floor trying to break free from the cape entanglements and their asses from each other which seem to be stuck together as well!

Eventually after groveling and squirming a ton against each other, they manage to strip down to only their face masks, and when they turn to face each other one more time, their tops of their face masks get stuck to one another! Completely nude and humiliated at the fact the Joker got them both this good! In a final attempt to free themselves from one another, they pull and pull until they get their masks off and their true identity is completely discovered by the audience! Now with their naked bodies stuck to one another, these two hot superheroines thrust and try to pull away from one another before they get caught by the Joker, but it seems that sticky cloud absorbed into their skin as well and there's no real way to tell when it will wear off! Completely stuck like this, they look at the camera and shrug before getting a sexy idea to start making out before the camera fades to black right before their lips lock!

File Size :920 MB
Resolution :1920 x 1080 MPEG-4
Duration :00:15:03

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Superhero porn / Batgirl,Batwoman 18 Sep 2023 0 1 489
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